DAdA-NETnet: multimediale performance
performt: 24 July 2011 | 20:00
Aleph Art Projekt presents: DAdA-NETnet
music: Mitya Cohen | Marina Bondas | Paul Milmeister
video artist: Maryna Vladi Shuklina
performers: ATIA (TM) | Nabi Nara | Elya May |
Maryna Vladi Shuklina | Alan Meyer | Andrej Bitter
music: Mitya Cohen | Marina Bondas | Paul Milmeister
video artist: Maryna Vladi Shuklina
performers: ATIA (TM) | Nabi Nara | Elya May |
Maryna Vladi Shuklina | Alan Meyer | Andrej Bitter
Aleph Art Proekt was started from as collaboration between ATIA TM photographer, sculptor and installation artist, Elya May painter, multimedia and performance artist and painter Alan Meyer. The project was joined by their artist friends Serioza Valyushitskiy and musician Marina Bondas. The group made their first performance video together in Berlin in 2010. Since then Aleph art proect has gained a lot of new members and collaborators among them, artists Andrej Bitter, Nabi Nara, Inna Barmashenko, Marina Shuklina, Rita Wolff, Lisa Piskorskaya, and musicians Paul Milmeister, Robert Würz, Mitya Cohen, Olga Kholodnaia, Claudia, Tibo, Leonid Tschernobelskij. Aleph also worked on performances with Theater Majak (Yula Wind). In 2011 Aleph has discovered new art currency and printed its own money, non challengeable into any known currency, yet representing many. At the moment the project is considering creation of a new continent.The project is atmospheric, poetic, eclectic. It is pure expression of our inner world. Each work is personal and emotional. Every performance is post Dadaistic, post Surrealistic mess (bardak in Russian). We are just poking fun at everything that we can think of, because nothing makes sense anyway.
Performance 5: The child is born and is growing up learning social behavior from his family and becomes member of society. But does it all make sense?
Dada-NetNet is about absurdity , it’s promoting expression in it’s pure form, with it’s crazy music art machines, bizarre eclectic characters, make and break songs and melodies, futuristic absurd poems. Chaos creating new artistic forms. Following the traditions of dadaism and surrealism and taking it further. Featuring : absurdity, nudity, non political, not conformist, partially non-violent scenes.
Dada-NetNet is about absurdity , it’s promoting expression in it’s pure form, with it’s crazy music art machines, bizarre eclectic characters, make and break songs and melodies, futuristic absurd poems. Chaos creating new artistic forms. Following the traditions of dadaism and surrealism and taking it further. Featuring : absurdity, nudity, non political, not conformist, partially non-violent scenes.